Old wives tales, they are superstitions that are passed down through generations. “Don’t go swimming after eating”,
“Eat your carrots, it improves your eyesight”, “Shaving makes your hair grow back thicker”.
Some are harder to debunk than others. I am here to Debunk one that has followed us for years in the hair industry…
“Hair colour takes better on dirty hair”.
Is it really better to come in for a colour service with dirty hair???
Is the old wives tale right? Does hair colour “take better” on dirty hair?
This is something stylists hear often and I am going to debunk this “old wives tale” today.
With colour or lightener that is applied on the scalp, a freshly washed scalp can be irritated as, with washing, you have strip away the “acid mantle” which is a very fine film on the outermost layer of your skin. It is your body’s first line of defence against bacteria and viruses and also helps act as a barrier to the skin when applying hair colour or bleach directly on the scalp. Having day old hair when you are having this type of colour service done can help with comfort but PLEASE, for the love of the hair gods, for any other colouring service WASH. YOUR. HAIR!
Dirty hair definitely had its years (thanks Covid and the messy bun). It almost seemed as though it was a competition to see “how long can I go without washing my hair?” Out with the old wives tale and in with the facts.
Why do we want your hair clean?
If you have temporary grey coverage powders or spray on your hair your colour may not take as well, leaving you without the extra grey coverage you expected as it has to work through the product before doing its job. This also applies to excess dry shampoo and other hair products. Excess build up gets in the way of the colour or lightener from doing its job. Arriving with clean, dry hair preps your hair to fully absorb whatever chemical service you are receiving and will give the colour the best opportunity for success. Bottom line, less product and buildup will result in a cleaner lift and a better deposit. Clean hair = clean canvas
Just like you would never put a fresh coat of paint on a dirty wall. Your wall would be painted but would the results be optimal?
If you have any questions about how to help you achieve your optimal colour please reach out to one of our talented stylists for a consultation, and how to get the optimal results for your hair!